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Tracking active Quests

Fig. 1: Quest Log (Source)

Tracking active quests is handled a bit weird by Gothic. Scripts have write-access to the players Quest-Log, but they cannot read back the quest status. Thus, a global boolean variable was created for most quests to track whether its active. Additionally, the Quest-Log is kept in sync:

Homer_DamLurker = LOG_RUNNING; // Global variable

Log_CreateTopic   (CH1_DamLurker, LOG_MISSION);
Log_SetTopicStatus(CH1_DamLurker, LOG_RUNNING);

I can't think of a reason other than the Quest-Log being implemented much later into development for this to make sense.


In the game, the Quest Log is actually the hero's diary. On script-side, the functions

  • Log_CreateTopic: Add Topic and choose between Mission or Note
  • Log_SetTopicStatus: Set a Topic to Running, Success, Failed, Obsolete
  • Log_AddEntry: Add a piece of text to a Topic

are used to update the diary.

Depending on the topics status, they are sorted into the categories. Interestingly, the Obsolete categories is actually obsolete and not used by the game. Topics using that category will not show up in the Diary.


The Diary is read-only, scripts are using global variables to manually keep track whether a quest is active.

A full list of all quest topic names can be found in the scripts.