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Fig. 1: Dialogue Lines (Source)

In Gothics Dialogue-System, everything revolves around Information-Instances and their Conditions.

Dialogue Lines

Every Dialogue Line you can see in Fig. 1 is an Information-Instance, which has the following properties:

  • Description The text the player sees in the dialogue menu
  • Priority Top to Bottom ordering
  • Is Permanent? Whether the line is always shown and can be used multiple times.
  • Is Important? Whether the Npc should start talking to the player automatically to tell him this information. Guards usually do this to stop you.
  • Condition-Function If this script function returns True, this information is shown in the dialogue menu. Evaluated every time the Dialogue Menu is loaded.
  • Info-Function Script function to be called when this information got selected in the dialogue menu.

Every time the dialogue menu is loaded, the Condition function is called to check whether the dialogue line should be available in the menu.

Whenever you as the Player choses a dialogue line in the menu, the Hero remembers that you chose that line. This is because only the originator of the conversation stores the selected information-lines.

Dialogue-lines already known by the player and not flagged as Permanent will not show up in the menu anymore.


If two Npcs would talk to each other, the one starting the conversation would also store information-lines they chose. However, since Gothic is a Single Player game, that never happens.

The scripts can then check whether the Hero knows a certain information like so:

// Equals to "Has the player ever chosen that dialogue line?"
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero,DIA_BaalOrun_GotWeed))
  // ... do something

Saying something

Letting the Characters actually say something is done by enqueuing dialogue lines into the Action Queue by calling AI_Output from the Info-Function like so:

AI_Output(hero, self, "Info_Diego_Brief_15_00"); //Ich habe einen Brief für den obersten Feuermagier.
AI_Output(self, hero, "Info_Diego_Brief_11_01"); //So...?
AI_Output(hero, self, "Info_Diego_Brief_15_02"); //Ein Magier hat ihn mir gegeben, kurz bevor sie mich reingeworfen haben.
AI_Output(self, hero, "Info_Diego_Brief_11_03"); //Du kannst von Glück sagen, dass ich mich bei den Magiern nicht mehr blicken lassen kann. Jeder andere wird dir mit Freude für

Lets break it down:

  • The first two parameters are who is saying the line to who. This is a dialogue between Diego and the Hero, so self refers to Diego in this case. Note how they switch back and forth!

  • The third Parameter is a unique reference to the output-database, which stores the actual dialogue text and the WAV-file to play.

When each of these AI_Outputs is pushed into the Action Queue of the talking character, the character which is being talked to explicitly checks whether a conversation is active and blocks its own Action-Queue while someone else says something.


The original workflow for these files incorporated parsing the comments behind the AI_Output and putting them into the database.

Example - Drug Monopol

In this dialogue, the player gets asked by Cor Kalom to stop a Swampweed production of the New Camp. This is the Information-Instance:

INSTANCE Info_Kalom_DrugMonopol (C_INFO)
  npc         = GUR_1201_CorKalom;
  condition   = Info_Kalom_DrugMonopol_Condition;
  information = Info_Kalom_DrugMonopol_Info;
  permanent   = 0;
  description = "Hast DU noch eine Aufgabe für mich?";

Here, the condition checks, whether the player is joined the Swamp Camp and is now a Novice:

FUNC INT Info_Kalom_DrugMonopol_Condition()
  if (Npc_GetTrueGuild(other)==GIL_NOV)
    return 1;

  // implicit return 0

When the Player selected the dialogue line of this Information-Instance, this function gets called:

FUNC VOID Info_Kalom_DrugMonopol_Info()
  AI_Output (other, self,"Mis_1_Psi_Kalom_DrugMonopol_15_00"); // ...
  AI_Output (self, other,"Mis_1_Psi_Kalom_DrugMonopol_10_01"); // ...

  // ... <snip>

Once the Player has selected the dialogue line, the Hero remembers it. Other scripts can then check whether that dialogue line was ever chosen by the player via a call to Npc_KnowsInfo.

Dialogue-lines already known by the player and not flagged as Permanent will not show up in the menu anymore.


Notice how in Kor Kaloms AI_Output the two parameters are other and self, while the dialogue of Diego listed above explicitly used hero. I can imagine that is because Kor Kaloms Dialogue was made multiplayer-ready!